Download Twice Upon a Time by Kate Forster (.ePUB)

Twice Upon a Time by Kate Forster
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 375kb
Overview: Ludo introduces Cinda to the heady world of the super-rich, taking her to parties on yachts and villas all over Europe. Sparks start to fly as Ludo and Cinda spend more and more time together, and even cautious Cinda wonders if there might be something real between them. Then Gus, Ludo’s twin brother and heir to the Sardinian throne, arrives to ruin everyone’s fun. Gus is obsessed with duty, and having a commoner like Cinda around just isn’t part of his plan. But when fate throws Cinda and Gus together, he’s astounded to discover that he and Cinda get along well. So well, in fact, that he might be prepared to throw away everything to be with her…
Genre: Young Adult Romance


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