Download Turn and Die by Stella Whitelaw (.ePUB)

Turn and Die by Stella Whitelaw (Jordan Lacey Mysteries Book 7)
Requirements: ePUB,Reader, 270 KB
Overview: In the small seaside town of Latching, Private Investigator Jordan Lacey is recovering from a freak accident months ago.
It should have been a night of celebration: her last case solved and a small fortune as reward money from another case.
She still has nightmares about that pub they went to and the suit of armour that fell on her and DI James – her friend on the force and her secret heartthrob.
For Jordan, it’s a cold comfort to know that her quick instincts may have saved both their lives.
Particularly as DI James is still lying, paralysed in hospital.
But then a distressed woman comes asking for her help. The woman is Holly Broughton and she is at her wits end.
Some months ago, she was accused of attempting to orchestrate her husband’s murder.
Not only that but there was damning evidence – CCTV footage of Holly talking to a man and handing him a package of money…
Genre: Fiction » Mystery/Thriller


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