Download Trump Tower by Jeffrey Robinson (.ePUB)

Trump Tower by Jeffrey Robinson
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 782 KB
Overview: In the great tradition of Arthur Hailey, Harold Robbins, “Dynasty,” and “Dallas “comes Jeffrey Robinson’s “Trump Tower,” where everyone’s life is a drama.Leave your modesty downstairs. “Trump Tower” is the sexiest novel of the decade.

At Trump Tower–the iconic Manhattan building on the corner of 56th Street and Fifth Avenue–there exists a world of luxury, glamour, sex, lust, and naked power.But at Trump Tower, nothing is quite what it seems to be.Move in and meet your neighbors: The money traders who are willing to do business with South American money brokers; the power couple, a TV anchor and her broker husband, for whom sex is sometimes an elaborate game; the Hollywood agent who is plotting to own the world; the British rock star under house arrest who sends out for good times, sex, and rock n’ roll; the model with one of the most famous faces in the world who just happens to be kept by two men who don’t know of each other’s existence; the Broadway star who is banned from the building; one of the richest men in the world who believes his innocent daughter is still innocent; the business owner who is being forced out by someone who wants her business; the mysterious and venomous woman who wants to build a tropical rainforest; the assistant to the Director of Operations who is willing to do anything to get the General Manager’s job; and Pierre Belasco, the General Manager and ringmaster of Trump Tower whose job is “ultimate discretion.
Genre: Fiction > Contemporary, Mystery, Suspense


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