Download Troupe of Shadows by Jennings Zabrinsky (.ePUB)

Troupe of Shadows by Jennings Zabrinsky
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 372 KB
Overview: Princess Sellane Tellameer was the heir to an empire. Once.

Chased from her homeland by her traitorous brother, Sellane must find a way to survive in a harsh land populated by strange people. People who speak an odd language, and fight with guns rather than blades. People who wear shoes upon their feet. People who cannot shift the color of their skin to disappear into the environment.

Sellane must carve out an existence for herself here if she is ever to reclaim her throne. When all she has to her name is a blade, the skill to use it, and four elite bodyguards of wavering loyalty it seems an impossible task. But when she crosses paths with a down-on-his-luck mercenary who speaks her language, she spots a desperate opportunity to change her fortunes.

Empires are forged by the sword, after all.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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