Download Trials of Tregeagle by Victoria Danann (.ePUB)

Trials of Tregeagle: Paranormal Women’s Fantasy (Not Too Late Book 6) by Victoria Danann
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 547 KB
Overview: Milo Winstruck set out on a venture to human China because it had been a while since he’d experienced the delights of Eastern tastes, sights, and sounds. Those who are blessed with very long life, such as fae, experience the paired curse of boredom. A friend had suggested that Milo take a side trip to the Yuanmou Clay Forest in Yunnan Province before immersing in Macao’s gambling or theater in Beijing. The friend made the unlikely claim that the natural formations of Yuanmou are more spectacular than anything in faerie.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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