Download Trials of the Blood series by Becca Lynn Mathis (.ePUB)

Trials of the Blood series by Becca Lynn Mathis (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.5 MB
Overview: Born and raised in Texas, Becca Lynn Mathis has been writing since she was a little girl, and could often be found sitting among the branches of a tree, reading a book. She used to get in trouble in high school for writing stories even after her work was done. Today, she is a graduate of Lynn University with her B.S. in Psychology. On weekends, she plays Dungeons & Dragons (or Pathfinder) with her friends and trains with the Royal Chessmen stage combat troupe, who perform at renaissance festivals and pirate faires all across Florida. She lives in sunny South Florida with her husband, their blended family, and two goofy dogs.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


A Place to Run (#1)
What if you learned that the things that go bump in the night are real? . . What if you became one of them? When Lynn gets attacked by a crazed werewolf, every aspect of her entire lonely life changes. Her new pack helps her adjust to life as a werewolf, but that means living under the constant threat of vampires, their immortal enemies. Worse, Lynn learns a former friend – and vampire – is now targeting her, and the military wants to get their hands on her as well. Fearing the danger she brings to her pack, Lynn must decide whether it’s better to run from them all or to make peace with who and what she has become.

A Place To Stand (#2)
When the first purgatum in over a millennium surfaces, Kristos can’t deny the instinct to protect her. But can he keep her safe when the day-walking vampire from his past will stop at nothing to get his hands on her? With a simple phone call, 2000-year-old werebear Kristos finds himself inexorably pulled back toward the purpose he was built for. A purpose he’s been trying to ignore for easily half his life. A purpose he thought had died long ago. But this purgatum is the first he’s known of in centuries. The church killed the last one. Racing to her side from halfway across the country, Kristos learns that the day-walking vampire from his past is still alive. And he’s probably not looking to rekindle their passions. If Kristos can’t find a way to stop him, it spells certain death for the purgatum, and likely all of the werewolves soon after. He can’t let himself fail again.

A Place To Hide (#3)
Naiya is a wereleopard.

Except she doesn’t know how that’s even possible, considering her entire breadth of knowledge of such things comes from pop culture and classic horror movies.

So when her wealthy adoptive parents—in a flash of frustrating cluelessness—drop her into rehab just so she can get picked up by some shadow organization, Naiya can’t help but feel like everything she thought she knew about herself is wrong. Because these people push her to the limits of her capabilities and beyond without even blinking, and show her all the things that go bump in the night.

If it weren’t for Val and Andy, Naiya might go entirely mad with the whole ordeal.

And once she finally escapes, she’ll never be caged again.

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