Download Trial of the Wicked by K. A. Carlson (.MOBI)

Trial of the Wicked: A good person has nothing to fear by K. A. Carlson
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 493 KB
Overview: On the day his dad died, Elijah Flint received a letter and an altered neurochip. This neurochip was the key to becoming the Absolute–the most powerful person in the colony of Parabus. Not a bad start in life for an eighteen-year-old.

Eli eagerly had the altered neurochip implanted to give him–and his little sister, Mavie–stability. Unfortunately, if anyone discovers his deception, he will be publicly executed for high treason. Minor detail.

But when his position forces him to kill, and his choices cause him to make formidable enemies, Eli risks losing more than just his life.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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