Download Transformation in Anglo-Saxon Culture by Gale Owen-Crocker (.ePUB)

Transformation in Anglo-Saxon Culture: Toller Lectures on Art, Archaeology and Text by Gale Owen-Crocker
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 13.6 MB
Overview: The five authoritive papers presented here are the product of long careers of research into Anglo-Saxon culture. In detail the subject areas and approaches are very different, yet all are cross-disciplinary and the same texts and artefacts weave through several of them. Literary text is used to interpret both history and art; ecclesiastical-historical circumstances explain the adaptation of usage of a literary text; wealth and religious learning, combined with old and foreign artistic motifs are blended into the making of new books with multiple functions; religio-socio-economic circumstances are the background to changes in burial ritual. The common element is transformation, the Anglo-Saxon ability to rework older material for new times and the necessary adaptation to new circumstances. The papers originated as five recent Toller Memorial Lectures hosted by the Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies (MANCASS).
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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