Download Training Lady Maud by Lucinda Lee (.ePUB)

Training Lady Maud by Lucinda Lee (Book 5 Hysteria Hall)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1 MB
Overview: Inexperienced Lady Maud is all of a flutter as she begins her erotic instruction with the handsome and commanding Dr Trent. Under his skilled guidance, she becomes familiar with a man’s appendage, copulation, and the mysterious term gamahuche.

When the wild and seductive Lady Isabel arrives, Maud’s world is shaken as she enjoys a sensual, erotic encounter.

Meanwhile, Dr Trent is uncharacteristically torn when he finds it utterly impossible to ignore his growing feelings for the sweet, intriguing maiden.

With a satisfying medical examination, erotic lessons and a spell in the viewing room, Maud is kept sensually occupied during her training regime.

Rest assured, this instalment features a Happy Ever After.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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