Download Trailer Food Diaries Cookbook Vol 2 by Tiffany Harelik (.ePUB)

Trailer Food Diaries Cookbook: Portland Edition, Volume 2 by Tiffany Harelik
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.5MB
Overview: Portlanders have always had a taste for fresh local foods served up with

a lack of pretense. So it’s no surprise that food carts have emerged as a

popular way to showcase a variety of flavors to hungry locals. While the

business is a competitive one, the most unique and culturally diverse food

trucks are able to thrive. From new spins on old classics—like the meatball sub

and the spinach salad—to innovative creations like the Sriracha Mix-a-Lot and

Peppered Peanut Popcorn Brittle, food carts have established a presence as

culinary gems in a city brimming with creative dining options. Join Tiffany

Harelik, author of the Trailer Food Diaries Cookbook series, as she returns to

Portland to celebrate this growing food revolution.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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