Download Torn to Pieces by James Pyne (.ePUB)

Torn to Pieces (Big Cranky #3) by James Pyne
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 856 KB
Overview: A throne without a leader. Angels strewn across the battlefield. When the Heavens reek of death, will Earth become a tomb?

Archangel Michael is struggling under the weighty burden handed him by the Almighty. And with the recent banishment of many of his people to the underworld, he battles loss and his unswerving belief he must destroy Lucifer. So even as he raises an angelic army and prepares for combat, he fears his failures as a leader could send them all spiraling to their doom.

Lucifer seethes over his unjust punishment. But though the fallen champion plots escape, his paranoia grows as schemes to steal his rule propagate in the shadows. And while he yearns to reunite all celestials, he’s terrified the jaws of a nightmarish trap are about to snap shut.

With more players coiling their way onto the game board, Michael fights to act as a king without falling as a pawn. And as Lucifer searches frantically for an edge over his enemy, he may unwittingly play into the tentacles of an unfathomable ancient horror…

Will the final clash of egos and ideologies pave the way for humanity’s enlightenment, or will all of creation end in oblivion?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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