Download Too Hot To Touch by Samantha Cayto (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Too Hot To Touch by Samantha Cayto
Requirements: .ePUB .MOBI Reader | 314 kb
Overview: Former military man Sean is winning his battle with PTSD and ready for a new challenge. Zoë is a hot-blooded Greek whose ultimate fantasy is sex with a younger man. She secretly wants one who will dominate her in bed too. Never one to back down from a challenge, Sean reports for duty. He wasn’t looking for an older woman, but Zoë breaks all of his rules. She makes his body sizzle even as she salves his emotional wounds. Their time together isn’t supposed to lead to forever. But once Sean gets a taste of Zoë, he’s determined to convince her that retreat is not an option.
Genre: Romance Erotic


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