Download Tomato, Tomahtoh by Nancy Silverman (.ePUB)(.PDF)

Tomato, Tomahtoh: The Tomato Cookbook by Nancy Silverman
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 8.3 Mb
Overview: Although tomato is regarded as a vegetable, it is actually a fruit, and a very popular one. Easy to source, prepare, and eat, the tomato wins the vote for most versatile culinary ingredient, and is the most consumed vegetable/fruit in the world. While the classic round, red tomato variety is the most common, there are actually more than 10,000 varieties of tomato in the world, bringing a wide range of sizes, colors, shapes, and flavors to the table. Let’s not forget all the benefits this rosy red superfood provides in addition to versatility and great taste.

Rich in Vitamins A, C, K, and potassium, tomatoes also protect heart, eye, and digestive health, can help manage diabetes, lower the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to a healthy complexion, and even protect against cancer. Tomatoes can be incorporated into your diet in many forms—fresh, dried, raw, cooked, as a sauce, soup, salsa, or paste. Eating tomatoes in different forms and dishes allows you to enjoy them year-round. For all these reasons, the tomato is a great staple in the daily diet of your whole family.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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