Tokyo Storm Warning by Warren Ellis – C –
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Overview: Tokyo Storm Warning is a three-issue comic book mini-series published in 2003 by WildStorm imprint Cliffhanger. It was written by Warren Ellis, with art by James Raiz and Andrew Currie.
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Named after an Elvis Costello song, the series was published between August and December of 2003 and later collected into a trade paperback with Red. The book was written during a period of Ellis’ output, when he mostly produced books in three-issue bursts for independent DC imprints (like Wildstorm’s Homage Comics and Cliffhanger), such as Red and Reload, because he had reached the end of his exclusive contract with DC and was reassessing his next steps.
The comic takes place in an alternate time line where after the capture of U-234 on 14 May 1945 and the discovery of its nuclear cargo (intended for the Japanese atomic program in Tokyo) the US decides to use its first A-Bomb on Tokyo to prevent the Japanese developing their own device. Following this Japan finds itself plagued by giant monsters and the appearance of giant battle robots within the city of Tokyo, over the next sixty years.
It followed the exploits of the pilots of the ARCangels – gigantic robotic constructs used by the Japanese government to battle fantastic creatures hell-bent on penetrating the defenses of a secret installation in the heart of modern Tokyo.
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Tokyo1.cbr – 10.0 MB
Tokyo2.cbr – 10.8 MB
Tokyo3.cbr – 12.4 MB
Tokyo1.cbr – 10.0 MB
Tokyo2.cbr – 10.8 MB
Tokyo3.cbr – 12.4 MB
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