Download To VE-Day Through German Eyes by Jonathan Trigg (.ePUB)

To VE-Day Through German Eyes: The Final Defeat of Nazi Germany by Jonathan Trigg
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 MB
Overview: After the collapse of the German Army in the West in August 1944, everyone believed the war would be over by Christmas. But somehow, Nazi Germany managed to stave off final defeat until May the following year. In the end the agony was brought to a close with the hammer and sickle flying over the ruins of Berlin. With defeat came the wholesale surrender of the once-proud Wehrmacht; hosts of men suddenly found themselves miles from home in territories ravaged by war. Among their ranks were thousands of non-Germans from all over Europe who had thrown in their lot with the Germans; and would return home to face justice. Previous histories have focused on the fate of Adolf Hitler and his cronies, but as defeat loomed this was a battle that would be fought by junior officers and simple soldiers. This is the story of Nazi Germany’s final defeat through the voices of the witnesses.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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