Download Tiny Homes by Andrew Berger (.ePUB)

Tiny Homes: Beginner’s Guide to Smart Ideas of Tiny Homes in 400 Square Feet or Less by Andrew Berger
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 10.0 MB
Overview: Tiny houses are homes that range between 100 and 400 sq. ft. Since the 2008 economic recession, these structures have continued to become popular due to the benefits they offer, including living a debt free life and environmental protection by living a simple yet satisfying life. Besides owning the home, you can also invest in building and selling these units and renting out the homes for various purposes, including vacation rentals and storage space. Governments and other regulatory bodies have been hampering this industry’s growth but have now started relaxing the building and zoning codes, so now these houses are becoming more accepted across the world.

This book offers practical ideas on how you can own a tiny home, including financing and building it. You will discover.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


The difference between small and tiny homes
Tiny home features
The ups and downs of tiny living
How to finance your tiny home
Different types of tiny homes
How to build your tiny home
How to adjust to tiny living
And much more!

If this kind of life appeals to you, scroll up, hit the “Buy Now” button, and set off on the journey of a lifetime.

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