Download This Guy Kills Me by Anlyn Hansell (.ePUB)

This Guy Kills Me by Anlyn Hansell
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 474 KB
Overview: She has the face that could launch a thousand ships.

And the personality to sink every last one of them.

He sells his own special brand of life insurance, as in…death.

What happens when the one person you find you can’t live without is the same person that is eventually going to kill you?

Jane Hamilton is one hot mess until she meets the World’s most well-adjusted killer. He needs her help and he’s not above kidnapping her to get it. What he doesn’t expect is a woman who isn’t at all what she seems. Except crazy, that is.

She’s definitely crazy.

But then again, in his world? Crazy is the norm.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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