Download This Dark Age, Books 1-2 by John L. Monk (.M4B) (.MP3)

This Dark Age, Books 1-2 by John L. Monk
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 441mb
Overview: It happened in a year: starvation, gangs of kids with guns, and every adult in the world dead from the sickness. Houses are now mausoleums. Civilization lies in the hands of children who’ve never had to feed themselves or survive a winter without gas or electricity. Most will die. Others – a bare few – will tread a different path.

Fans of One Second After, The Hunger Games, and Alas Babylon should enjoy this what-if tale of inventiveness, character, and courage.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction


BOOK 1 Hell’s Children

The world has gone to hell and it isn’t coming back.
Fourteen-year-old Jack Ferris is a survivor – because his parents raised him that way. Leveraging qualities rare for his age, he must lead his desperate companions to a secret refuge. Too late, he learns that safety is a mirage, and that the high price of hope is paid in blood.

BOOK 2 Hell’s Encore

After the long, cold winter…
Jack extends his domain from the hills of Virginia to the waters of the Chesapeake in search of a more stable food supply. Unbeknownst to him, mechanized death under the control of a sadistic boy threatens what fragile progress he and the survivors at Big Timber have made. To protect the people he loves, Jack must ally with those he needs, and the line between savior and monster has never been blurrier.

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