Download This Boy by Ilene Cooper (.ePUB)

This Boy: The Early Lives of John Lennon & Paul McCartney by Ilene Cooper
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 32.4 Mb
Overview: An inside look at the early lives of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, This Boy is a perfect book for any young reader embracing their inner Beatlemania.
Meant for younger readers, This Boy is a gripping biography of two musical legends. Beginning with their births during World War II England and ending with their famous performance on The Ed Sullivan Show, this book is action packed from beginning to end. Whether you are a lifelong Beatles fan or new to their music, this book is an excellent source of Beatles lore that is relatively unknown.
With expert research from Ilene Cooper and rarely seen photographs of the Beatles in their early days, this book will serve as not only an interesting biography of two significant historical figures, but also a fun read about rock and roll and how the lives of two people can change the world.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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