Download Things I Learned from Mario’s by Laura Kate Dale (.ePUB)

Things I Learned from Mario’s Butt by Laura Kate Dale
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 16 Mb
Overview: Have you ever wondered why some video game characters wear

trousers and others don’t? Or pondered the connection between a character’s

toned, muscular derrière and their level of dexterity? What about the depth of

a crack, the jiggle of a cheek?

When it comes to video game character designs, one of the

most overlooked aspects is the buttocks. Sure, we might appreciate a nice toned butt on a character or giggle at GIFs of farts

from time to time, but how often do we stop to really think about the meaning

of the butt?

In Things I Learned from

Mario’s Butt, video game critic Laura Kate Dale brings backsides to the

foreground, analysing dozens of posteriors and asking the important questions:

Has Mario let himself go? Do Link’s small buttocks hold him back? When he

dies, is Pac-Man eaten by his own caboose?
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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