Download Thick Black Theory by Chogan Swan (.ePUB)(.MOBI)+

Thick Black Theory (Symbiont Wars Universe Book 3) by Chogan Swan
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 1.4MB
Overview: fter surviving for three years as a runaway, sixteen-year-old Kaitlin Sannhetsdottir decides to return to Dallas to petition for status as an emancipated minor–she wasn’t expecting the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it to happen before she got there.

Now, with society falling apart and outlaws controlling the roads, Kaitlin’s finely honed survival instincts tell her to hunker down. But, her new friends, an older couple giving her a ride to Dallas, are worried for their family, and Kaitlin can’t abandon them without betraying the code by which she has sworn to live.

Little did she know, taking on the challenge of getting her friends back home would put her on a longer road–partnering with aliens who are trying to stop humanity’s slide into self-immolation…
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy


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