Download These Darkening Days by Benjamin Myers (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

These Darkening Days by Benjamin Myers (Mace & Brindle #2)
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI reader, 793 KB
Overview: As autumn draws in, a Pennine valley town famed for its alternative lifestyles is shocked to its core when a woman is savagely attacked.
The identity of her assailant proves illusive but her colourful past in the amateur world of adult entertainment makes her a tabloid sensation overnight. When further attacks occur, group hysteria spreads and the community seeks a scapegoat…
Journalist Roddy Mace is struggling to stay sober whilst completing the writing of a true crime book based on a previous case. Detective James Brindle, on an enforced leave of absence from secretive crime unit, Cold Storage, is rapidly unravelling without a case to focus on. The two reunite to discover how old myths align with new fears, and the deep history of folk-crimes that lie within the bleak moorlands.
In These Darkening Days a rural idyll is shattered by an outbreak of violence and a place steeped in ancient history becomes the focus of an accelerating modern media that favours immediacy over truth.
Genre: Mystery/Thriller


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