Download Theater of a Thousand Wonders by William B. Taylor (.PDF)

Theater of a Thousand Wonders: A History of Miraculous Images and Shrines in New Spain by William B. Taylor
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Overview: The great many shrines of New Spain have become long-lived sites of shared devotion and contestation across social groups. They have provided a lasting sense of enchantment, of divine immanence in the present, and a hunger for epiphanies in daily life. This is a story of consolidation and growth during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, rather than one of rise and decline in the face of early stages of modernization. Based on research in a wide array of manuscript and printed primary sources, and informed by recent scholarship in art history, religious studies, anthropology, and history, this is the first comprehensive study of shrines and miraculous images in any part of early modern Latin America.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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