Download The Writing Box by Milorad Pavic (.ePUB)

The Writing Box by Milorad Pavic (Author), Dragan Purešić (Translator), Dragana Rajkov
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 276 KB
Overview: The Writing Box, a novel written in 1999, translated so far into several languages, appears now in English e-book for the first time.
On the one hand, this is a love story between a French girl and a Serbian student. On the other, this is an ancient story, with mythical heroes, transferred to the end of the twentieth century, and the relationship of the main characters points, among other things, to the complex relations between Europe and the Balkans, particularly in regard to the recent events in the area of the latter.
The author added a special flavour to his novel through a game of scents, which is at the same time a game of memories, associations, emotions; moreover, by following the track of the scents in the novel, the reader will be able to uncover a secret from one of the author’s previous novels, Last Love in Constantinople.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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