Download The World of Human Realm by Master Sheng Yen (.ePUB+)

The World of Human Realm by Master Sheng Yen
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.29 MB
Overview: This book is a collection of interviews published on the Taiwanese Magazine “Open Weekly” from 2001 to 2003. Topics of the interview are mostly related to the social concerns and issues during the time. The hope was that by offering a new view of human life, Master Sheng Yen would provide some enlightening answers that could help people calm their hearts and minds, improve their quality of life and attitude towards it, enhance their personal relationships, and reorient themselves towards society.

“The goal was to give people the courage to move beyond their setbacks and obstructions, and to develop tolerance for different cultures, opinions, and standpoints” said by Master Sheng Yen. ” It was also our hope that each reader would make an altruistic vow of great compassion and selflessness, leading everyone in our “global village” to transform the world for the better.”

During his long career as a monk, teacher of Buddadharma, and founder of monasteries, meditation centers, and educational institutions, Master Sheng Yen (1930-2009) was also a very prolific lecturer, scholar, and author. Over the years, his published works in many languages have benefited students and seekers of the Dharma all over the world.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy Buddhism


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