Download The Witch Next Door series by Judith Berens (.ePUB)

The Witch Next Door series by Judith Berens (#1-2,5-7)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.3 MB
Overview: Judith Berens is a figment of your imagination, made up of the fevered brainpower of Michael Anderle and Martha Carr, fueled by a lot of people helping them out – as well as all of you, The Fans. Great stories mixed with a lot of great readers equals more adventures to follow.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy | Fantasy

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1. One Witch Too Few
Lily Antony is a young witch playing in a very dangerous treasure hunt.

She’s got to follow the clues her Mom left behind after her disappearance trekking the world. Maybe even put the pieces of her life back together with each one. First stop – get that cute guy, Romeo to help her out.

Never hurts to have a werewolf along for the ride. Especially since Lily thinks her mom is still alive – and no one else does. Doubters gonna hate… and chase Lily and Romeo all over the world. Sounds like these doubters have something to hide?

Before she can even start, Lily loses everything she owns except for a Winnebago and a little bit of money. Doesn’t matter. This girl has a wand and a will to get the job done. Like mother, like witchy daughter.

Together, Lily and Romeo head north in her Winnebago with the first real clues.

A business card written in French, a broken piece of metal and a magical speakeasy hidden beneath the streets of Montreal. Can she figure it all out and find out what happened to her mother?

The race is on across the globe with other deadly players in hot pursuit of the young couple, and that team is playing for keeps. What exactly was her mother into? Will the final clue lead to treasure or death?

2. Witch Way to Go
The mysterious expedition continues. Where is Lily Antony’s witchy mother? Is she really dead?

Another magical clue takes Lily Antony to a burned-down house in Colorado with her fave werewolf by her side. The house might be ruined, but the magical message hidden in the walls remains…

Someone wants to keep Lily from finding out about her world-traveling mother. But Lily has a Winnebago and will travel. The truth is going to come out.

Lily and Romeo piece decipher her mother’s message and end up back on the road – this time heading to Mexico and a potion witch with a few secrets of her own.

But the witch has made some bad deals and is in trouble herself and puts Romeo and Lily between a rock and a hard place. Romeo is captured and is set to fight in an illegal fighting ring – as a wolf. To save Romeo’s life, Lily teams up with her mom’s old friend. Will their partnership be enough?

Too bad the werewolf pack is messing with the wrong witch. They need Lily’s blood to complete the cycle. Lily’s not giving up, least of all without a fight. It will take more than just a werewolf pack to bring her down.

5. To Find A Witch
A black heron is magically connecting Lily to her destination. But will she find her mother or the witch’s fatal end?

The road trip in the Winnie continues to Otiylo, Greece, but Lily and Romeo are being followed, and a trail of death and trouble lies behind them. Is that strange coin she holds a magical GPS?

Nothing can keep Lily from searching for her mother, but she’s going to need help from a local coven. Greek witches hold an ancient magic that has mixed blessings.

Lily learns more about who and what she is. Will that knowledge make her stronger or turn powerful forces against her? Will she need to fight her way out of this one?

The Black Heron’s secrets are coming out. The magical world prepares for the most dangerous spell in magical history. Can Lily stop it? Did her mother leave her clues just to use her?

6. Return Of The Witch
Has anyone seen Greta Antony? Time to get a witch, a werewolf and a Winnie across the water to follow the next dangerous clue.

Lily and Romeo are offered a deal to get them across the sea to Libya and retrieve a needed sacred relic. Heed this warning – Magic often comes with a price and an artifact from the God of Dreams is going to be no exception. A high-speed car chase through the Sahara, hybrid magicals, and a warded cage almost end Lily’s quest—but did you forget about her shadow-bird?

Follow the light and battle through to the end or follow the dark and take a shortcut. Better choose soon Lily, because what The Black Heron does to your mom is going to happen to you. Can Lily let go of her fear and trust her powers to finish the quest and find her mom?

7. A Witch And A Hard Place
Lily and Romeo are just one desert away from reaching the High Seat of the Black Heron Society where they can finally learn the fate of Lily’s mom, Greta.

Lily is going to need some guidance before she shows up at the Black Heron’s doorsteps. Can a clan of magical travelers in a hidden oasis give her what she needs? When Lily sees her mom at last the young witch knows something is wrong. Can she help her missing mother and perform the spell that will turn magic on its head?

Good thing Greta left her daughter one last clue outside the Black Heron fortress. But Lily will have to make a sacrifice in order to step inside. Will our favorite witch take the challenge and fight what happens to the people she loves inside the secret fortress? What happens to Romeo?

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