Download The Wetback and Other Stories by Ron Arias (.ePUB)

The Wetback and Other Stories by Ron Arias
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Overview: This is a first collection of short fiction by one of the trailblazers of Chicano literature, Ron Arias (author of the 1975 novel, The Road to Tamazunchale), in which he continues his experiments with magic realism while connecting U.S. Latino culture with that of Latin America.

Many of the pieces in this collection take place in a Los Angeles neighborhood that used to be called Frog Town, now known as Elysian Valley. Ron Arias reveals the lives of his Mexican-American community: there’s Eddie Vera, who goes from school yard enforcer to jail bird and finally commando fighting in Central America; a boy named Tom, who chews his nails so incessantly that it leads to painful jalapeño chili treatments, banishment from the neighborhood school and ultimately incarceration in a school for emotionally disturbed kids; and Luisa, a young girl who can’t resist an illicit visit to Don Noriega, an old man the kids call El Mago who is known as a curandero in their neighborhood.

Most of the 14 stories included in this volume were originally published in journals that no longer exist, including El Grito: A Journal of Contemporary Mexican-American Thought, Caracol and Revista Chicano-Riqueña. The author of an important novel—The Road to Tamazunchale—published during the Chicano literary movement of the 1970s, Arias was one of the first to use magic realism and connect U.S. Hispanic literature to its more popular, Latin American cousin. The Wetback and Other Stories finally gathers together and makes available the short fiction of a pioneer in Mexican-American literature.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


The Wetback
The Chamizal Express
El Mago
Stoop Labor
Canine Cool
A House on The Island
The Castle
The Boy Who Ate Himself
The Interview
The Story Machine

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