The Way of Shadow (Legend of the Five Rings RPG 1st Edition) by Jennifer Wick, Patrick Kapera , Ree Soesbee , John Wick
Requirements: .PDF reader, 33.6 mb
Overview: Over a decade ago, an Imperial Magistrate vanished on his way to the Dragon lands. His eta servant carried his journal back to his Clan, but he has never been heard from again. His records mention strange figures in the night, shadows with no faces, and the deepest secret of Rokugan’s most dangerous enemy… the Ninja. Now, the lie is exposed: the mystery of the true Ninja is revealed. Adventures of horror and madness await you, and at the end, you and your players will look upon the face of the Goju, the truth behind the Ninja and their Master, the Immortal Shadow.
The journal of Kitsuki Kaagi is the most mysterious manuscript in Rokugan, and the most heavily protected. Surrounded by crystal and buried within the depths of Mirumoto Castle, the few Kitsuki who have volunteered to be exposed to its secrets have become shadow… faceless and forever lost.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic
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