Download The War Of Princes (#1-4) by A.R. Ivanovich (2022 Reissue) (.ePUB)

The War Of Princes (#1-4) by A.R. Ivanovich
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 4.21mb | 2022 Re-issue
Overview: A. R. enjoys being swallowed by forests, sleeping on lakes, and watching the sky. Her passion for writing about other worlds is accompanied by a love of artwork, video games, horseback riding, medieval weaponry, and the culinary perfection behind a well balanced plate of nachos. She was raised in Hawaii, where she once again resides, with her husband and their extensive family of rescue pets.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy | Children/Young Adult


#1. Haven
For hundreds of years, the peaceful country of Haven has remained isolated from the rest of the world. But for adventurous seventeen-year-old Katelyn Kestrel, Haven’s calm has always been a little, well, boring. She can’t help but wonder what lay outside Haven’s seemingly impassible borders, but no one will talk about the mysterious catastrophic event that separated Haven from the outside world. Katelyn has a strange knack for finding things, and when she miraculously finds a passage into the outside world, she thinks she’s solved a longstanding mystery. Instead, she discovers that some things should never be found . . .
The outside world is more treacherous than Katelyn ever imagined, full of monsters, magic, and two princes locked in a bloody, centuries-long battle. The moment she arrives, she is kidnapped and held captive in a nearby keep, accused of being a northern spy. WIth the help of a hardened young soldier and a handsome lord, Katelyn must try to escape and find her way back to Haven. But there are dark forces at work that Katelyn can’t begin to understand, and she’ll be lucky to make it out of the fortress alive . . .

#2. Paperglass
After narrowly escaping the war-torn outside world with her life, Katelyn Kestrel vows to never again venture beyond the mountains of Haven Valley. But just as Katelyn begins to prepare for life after high school—a normal life with no warring princes, no dangerous magical abilities, and no handsome, duty-bound soldiers—the outside world comes crashing into her reality once again.
A team of explorers from Haven has been captured by Prince Raserion, the leader of the Western Kingdom. Once Katelyn, with her remarkable ability to find anything she looks for, can hunt the team down and bring them home. And only Katelyn knows just how much trouble the explorers—and all of Haven—are in . . .
The princes have been searching for Haven and its people for seven hundred long years. Like it or not, Katelyn must go back to the outside world and rescue the captives, or witness the destruction of everything she’s ever loved.
This is a new edition of the previously self-published novel Dragoon.

#3. Monarch
Run Thayer’s rebellion in Cape Hill has placed all of Breakwater in danger from the ruthless and mercurial Prince Raserion. Now, Katelyn Kestrel and her best friend, Kyle, must do something that no one in the Western Kingdom has ever attempted: travel North to request aid from Prince Varion, the mysterious monarch who’s been locked in a bloody war with his brother for centuries.
But as Katelyn sets sail for enemy territory, she’s confronted by Prince Raserion. He knows what she’s planning to do and offers her a deal: his brother’s life for Rune’s. She suddenly has an impossible choice to make. Risk everything in the hopes that Varion might help, or turn traitor to her own cause and trust Raserion to free the soldier she loves . . .
This is a new edition of the previously self-published novel.

#4. Lastland
After a devastating attack on the Northern capital, Prince Raserion has taken everything from Katelyn Kestrel . . . everything but her will to fight back and save the people of Haven.
Out of the ashes of a burning city, Prince Varion, ruler of the Northern Kingdom, resurfaces, intent on ending the seven-hundred-year war once and for all. But he can’t succeed without Katelyn’s help. She has the powerful ability to find anything she seeks—even the enemy himself, Prince Raserion.
While the two armies gather strength for one final showdown, Katelyn finds herself on the frontlines of war, pinned between right and wrong, friend and foe, life and death. With Haven’s fate hanging in the balance, Katelyn’s struggle will not only decide her future, but the future of the broken Kingdom of Lastland.

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