Download The War God Saga by J.A. Hunter, Aaron Crash (.ePUB)

The War God Saga by J.A. Hunter (James Hunter), Aaron Crash (#1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.1 MB | 1.9 MB
Overview: Hey all, my name is James Hunter and I’m a writer, among other things. So just a little about me: I’m a former Marine Corps Sergeant, combat veteran, and pirate hunter (seriously). I’m also a member of The Royal Order of the Shellback—’cause that’s a real thing. I’ve also been a missionary and international aid worker in Bangkok, Thailand. And, a space-ship captain, can’t forget that.
Okay … the last one is only in my imagination. Currently, I’m a stay at home Dad—taking care of my two kids—while also writing full time, making up absurd stories that I hope people will continue to buy. When I’m not working, writing, or spending time with family, I occasionally eat and sleep.

Aaron Crash; As Aaron Michael Ritchey, he writes award-winning and bestselling young adult novels. As Aaron Crash, he writes adrenaline-fueled odysseys into the extreme regions of sci-fi/fantasy. If you’re looking for cyborg vampires or jellyfish centaurs, you’ve come to the right place. Either way, he grew up reading fast, fun, action novels, and so he decided to write those kinds of books. They’re kind of a departure from his AMR stuff, but not really. You’ll still get excitement, drama, and explosions, man, lots of explosions.
Genre: Sci-fi/Fantasy | LitRPG

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War God’s Mantle: Ascension (#1)
The gods walk again …
When Marine Corps pilot Jacob Merely crashes during a routine mission off the coast of Cyprus, he was sure it was game over.

After surviving the crash and pulling himself onto the sandy shores of a long-abandoned island, however, Jacob unwittingly stumbles headfirst into the ancient ruins of a dead city. Unfortunately, he also stumbles into an age-old battle between good and evil—and he is now its newest recruit.

The island once belonged to the Amazons, daughters of Ares, the God of War, and stood as the final bastion between the human world and the monstrosities of the Great Below. But Jacob’s arrival has awakened the old gods and disturbed the seal holding the ravaging darkness at bay.

Now, with the help of a sacred gem containing Ares’ power, Jacob must recreate the Amazonian defenders of humanity and fortify the island stronghold. And if he fails, Hades will unleash his army of the damned and the world of men will fall, giving rise to an age of walking nightmares.

War God’s Mantle: Descent (#2)
A Marine turned Greek God. An army of beautiful Amazons. An infernal enemy out to burn the world down.

It’s been three weeks since Jacob Merely crash-landed on the mythical island of Lycastia, and the newly minted War God finally has things under control. He’s grown into his power, built his city, and earned the respect of his gorgeous, hard-charging Amazons.

He’s not in the clear yet, though. Hades still lives, and the mystical sigil holding him at bay is rapidly failing. Worse, a horde of new enemies is battering Lycastia’s gates daily, slowly grinding down Jacob’s forces. But Jacob has a plan to get the upper hand. He’s learned about a legendary weapon buried in a prehistoric world deep in the bowels of the island. A weapon with the power to kill even gods. If he can defeat the weapon’s primordial guardians and subdue an exiled Titan, he might just be able to save the world.

But that’s an awfully big if …

Download Instructions:
War God’s Mantle: Ascension (#1)

War God’s Mantle: Descent (#2)

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