Download The Wall by Kellee L. Greene (.ePUB)

The Wall by Kellee L. Greene (Ravaged Land: Eventuality #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 272 KB
Overview: For over a hundred years they’ve been told there is nothing beyond the wall but death and despair. And no one has wanted to leave… until now.

Sadie Keane struggled daily with the laws that have been put in place since the wall was built. Unfortunately, as a sworn officer of the law, not to mention the president of the city’s daughter, she has no choice but to uphold them.

But when Sadie learns about a secret exit from the city, all she can think about is leaving to find her friends who were banished by her father. Will Sadie risk everything to find life in the world of death and destruction beyond the wall? And if she leaves will she ever be able to return?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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