Download The Vordalyn series by Michael T. Payne (.ePUB)

The Vordalyn series by Michael T. Payne (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: No bio is available for the author.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. The Vordalyn
After taking the mantle of king, in the same battle that took his father, King Treska. Prince Dracon successfully drives back the demonic hordes of the warlord Terrax into the outer region from whence they came. Fueled by rage and guilt, Prince Dracon gives chase, vowing to return with the head of Terrax, or not at all. Meanwhile, in the capital city of Urixis, Prince Dracon is feared dead like his father. His older sister Princess Menina seizes the crown in his absence, aided by their mother, Queen Ayana. However, her four remaining brothers oppose her. What should have been a victory that ended the war of decades, resulting in peace through out all Ganlin, results instead in a family civil war. Across the expanse of death, Dracon and the few men that braved to travel with him, discover a beautiful and deadly land where the sun never sets. There he discovers a beautiful, mysterious creature known as the Vordalyn.

2. The Vordalyn 2
Home at last, Prince Dracon returns from beyond the outer region with his bride to be, Venalina. Accompanied by his remaining forces, and the four daughters of Castien Preswynn, a High Lord of Qinkas. His triumphant return is short lived however, when his sentient sword, the Unholy Reaver, begins to infect his mind with images of war and death. At the same time, his queen to be, begins using his essence in a ritual designed to make the daughters of Castien, creatures akin to her. Queen Menina, meanwhile, has no intention of relinquishing the crown to her prodigal brother. Aided by old and new allies alike, she begins a campaign of fear and rumor to turn the people of Ganlin against their onetime hero and liberator, while she pretends to be ready to turn over the kingdom to him. New threats go unseen at the borders of the mighty kingdom. The day of the royal wedding and coronation of the new king to be, is fast approaching, where every threat will make their move for ownership of Ganlin.

3. Dracon and The Edge of The World
Mourning the loss of his love, Venalina. Dracon once again finds himself lost in a land he does not know. This time, he’s not on the heels of some Dark Lord to save his kingdom, but an exile from that very kingdom he loved so dear. On the eve of his coronation, his own family accused him of being a Dark Lord akin to Terrax, the man who haunted their lands for decades and who Dracon hunted down and killed. Venalina is killed before his very eyes and he is defeated in battle by his sister, Queen Menina, and his four brothers. Now, wandering with his few companions, Dracon considers his future. His sentient sword, the Unholy Reaver, pushes him to become the very Dark Lord he was accused of being. In his sorrow and rage, wanting nothing more than vengeance, Dracon considers becoming a Dark Lord the likes of which the world has never seen.

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