Download The Virus-Recovery Cookbook by Zoe Moore (.ePUB)

The Virus-Recovery Cookbook: Eating Your Way Back to Health by Zoe Moore
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 15mb
Overview: Recovering from a virus is difficult, but it becomes a lot easier when you’re eating the right foods. We know the internet is filled with information, but it’s equally filled with misinformation. To help you avoid foods that are actually bad for you, we’ve put together The Virus-Recovery Cookbook!

Get ready because you’re going to be eating your way back to health with our 40 recipes, so let’s get chopping. Don’t worry, our recipes don’t require hour-long prep times. We know you need to save your energy in order to recover fully, so we’ve taken all the complications out of our recipes. With sweet and savory recipes to choose from, what are you waiting for to get started? Let’s go!
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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