Download The Vanishing by Octavia Jensen & Kady Ash (.ePUB)

The Vanishing (Rogue Hollow Academy Book 1) by Octavia Jensen & Kady Ash
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 687 kB
Overview: Quinn
I’ve always been told I was different.
My dreams are a little too real, intuition a little too strong. But it’s not until my best friend and I are stolen away to a school full of magical beings that I start to really believe it.
Here, my quirks are gifts. My gut instinct is a weapon.
And the werewolf who latches onto me the second I set foot inside the grounds will either be my salvation… or my complete undoing.

I thought I understood the world.
It’s a cold, bitter place that will chew you up and spit you back out if you’re not careful.
But there’s a hidden darkness too, monsters lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce.
Monsters I never could’ve dreamed of.
Monsters that want to take, to own, to conquer.
And at Rogue Hollow Academy, the most dangerous monster isn’t one that goes bump in the night… it’s the one who claims me for his own.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal


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