Download The Unofficial LEGO Builder’s Guide by Allan Bedford (.PDF)

The Unofficial LEGO Builder’s Guide  by Allan Bedford
Requirements: PDF Reader, 12.5MB
Overview: What exactly is a slope? What’s the difference between a tile and a plate? Why is it bad to simply stack bricks in columns to make a wall? The Unofficial LEGO Builder’s Guide is here to answer your questions.

Focusing on building actual models with real bricks, The Unofficial LEGO Builder’s Guide comes with complete instructions to build several cool models but also encourages you to use your imagination to create your own fantastic creations.

The Unofficial LEGO Builder’s Guide also includes the Brickopedia, a visual guide to nearly 300 of the most useful and reusable elements of the LEGO system, with historical notes, common uses, part numbers, and the year each piece first appeared in a LEGO set.

The firm foundation for your LEGO hobby starts here!
Genre: Non-Fiction, General


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