Download The Unhappy Medium Series by T. J . Brown (.ePUB)

The Unhappy Medium Series by T. J . Brown (2-3)
Requirements: epub reader, 1.7 mb
Overview: Brown works, lives and writes in Wales, where the castles are
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


2. Tom Fool – Think your job is purgatory? Try working for the afterlife.
For former man of science and very unhappy medium, Dr Newton Barlow, the frontline between good and evil is starting to get old. With Purgatory a mess of hopeless bureaucracy, banal amateurism and unreliable excitement, he’s beginning to crave a challenge.
Something big.
Something big duly arrives in the form of a crime so cunning, so utterly diabolical, that Barlow and the bumbling Purgatorians are going to have to find a way around their trademark inefficiency, or lose a lot more than their expense accounts.
But, with his girlfriend pushing for a slice of the paranormal action, his gothic daughter caught in the crossfire with his ex-wife, and an in-tray awash with humiliating ghost chases, the ever-snarky Dr Barlow is spread thinner than roadkill. Headless horsemen, missing links, killer drones and a sinister jester, Tom Fool is another rollicking comedy from the writer of The Unhappy Medium.

3. Wretched Things – Nearly a year into his new Purgatorian life, Dr. Newton Barlow is still none the wiser about life, death, and the meaning of everything. Distracted in the present and haunted by the past, a mission goes horribly wrong, forcing Newton to lay low and wait for the dust to clear.
Sent to Crete on gardening leave with his girlfriend and daughter, Newton’s restlessness sends him off on a local mission that leads him into a baffling underworld packed with murderous academics, bloodthirsty living legends, and shocking, impossible truths.
Is Dr Barlow about to dig too deep into the bizarre Purgatorian universe?

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