Download The Unexpected Has Happened by Michael P. Buckley (.ePUB)+

The Unexpected Has Happened by Michael P. Buckley
Requirements: ePUB reader, MOBI reader, 439kb
Overview: “I still remember the night as if yesterday, cold sweat pours down the cheeks of my face. The hair on the back of my neck stands up, and my breathing labored. The time was 3:00 AM, I checked my watch because my dog was barking and carrying on. “Than there was a slight whelp, and the barking stopped.” I grabbed my handgun to go outside and see what caused the dog to stop barking. As I opened the door, the barrel of a rifle shoved hard against the side of my face.”

“They told me to get inside and close the door or I will die, they had an Asian accent, which sounded like Chinese. There were two men armed with AK 47 rifles, they were wearing jeans and black color t-shirts. I asked them did they want money. They told me to shut up and listen. America now belonged to China, and they were soldiers sent to detain everyone, and bring them to camps. Troublemakers shot, with no questions asked. My wife Pam was busy getting dressed, and crying, going into hysterics. They told her to shut her mouth or they would shoot her.”

“A second later, a single gun shot to the head and Pam was dead, I went for her and they struck me in the head with the butt of the rifle. Knocked out, they dragged me to a truck and threw me in the back with many others. When I came through, I could see the look of shear terror in everyone’s eyes. There was not a sound from anyone, as two men armed with rifles guarded us. My name is David and this would be the new beginning for all of us, many would die.”

The whole country was in the hands of the Chinese government. America still has a few people roaming the mountains and countryside that the Chinese were not able to capture. That was the only hope left of the American people, there numbers were small and”they were scattered” through out the USA.”

David and the people in the truck, sent to a camp to indoctrinate, think like the Chinese people and to learn of their new leader. Laws they will learn, and follow in their camp. 2000 plus people and increasing in size everyday. They were housed in large tents, the first order of the day was there orientation meeting.

The trucks were coming in, they got lucky because after every 100 people came to the camp.

They would have there meeting, if you could call this luck. The meeting held by a soldier from the PLA (People Liberation Army) First off they went over what was expected of them. First, and foremost do not speak unless spoken to… They did not care if their hungry or sick, or if there was something, they did not like. Two people from the crowd were speaking amongst there self during the speech they were given. They were brought up front, and told to get down on there knees. One soldier came behind them with a sword, and beheaded them, one at a time. The speaker went on to say, there rules if not followed always ended in death for the violators.

Each tent will have a picture of president Wu, your new leader; you will bow to the picture upon entering, and leaving the tent. Failure to bow, will be death.

“Your new court of law will be the sword or a bullet, or any other way we decide to end your miserable lives. Let’s make one thing clear from the beginning, we do not like you, and we are not your friends.”
Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopia, Invasion


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