Download The Undateable Gay by Mark David Woollard (.ePUB)

The Undateable Gay by Mark David Woollard
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 553 kB
Overview: Think you’re unlucky in love ?

You know nothing of dating misery until you’ve delved into the world of the undatable gay

Mark Morgan just can’t catch a break.

As he documents his struggles through the dating minefield of the gay world, Mark tries to find the answer to the eternal question:

does Mr Right truly exist?

With his best friend and fag hag, Tullene for support and a bottle of Savvy B (or 6), he battles his way through failed date after date. And ponders many a profound question:

How much savvy B is too much?

Will he ever be able to bottom?

Should you wear Ugg boots on a first date?

Can you find love in a gay sauna?

One man keeps popping up ( pardon the pun) like a proverbial bad penny, but will Mark ever bag Travis.

Or should he leave him where he found him- in his late teens on a dance floor in G-A-Y?
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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