Download The Troubleshooter Series by Bard Constantine (.ePUB)

The Troubleshooter Series by Bard Constantine (#0.5,1,1.5,2 & Prequel to #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.5 MB
Overview: Bard Constantine firmly believes that he’s living in the wrong age, so he creates timelines that he feels more comfortable in. With this series he introduces Havenworld, a retro-futuristic dystopian age where humanity survived a terrifying Cataclysm by means of city-sized constructs called Havens.
Genre: Science Fiction

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Red-Eyed Killer (#0.5)
In a city where favors have more value than money, Mick Trubble may as well be a loan officer. One exchange leads to his free room and board at the Luzzatti, where he befriends the owner and looks out for the joint. In short order he’s able to establish his skills at solving problems that normal law enforcement ignores.

But Mick’s soft spot for a lovely young woman named Natasha pulls him into a whirlpool of double-dealing and a game of nerve and wits with vengeful shylocks, lethal gangsters, and ultimately face-to-face with New Haven’s most notorious hitman: the Red-Eyed Killer.

Hard Luck Grift (Prequel to New Haven Blues)
What’s more dangerous than gambling with dirty money? Mick Trubble is just the man to find out.

Dealing with a bout of post-case depression leads Mick to the casinos, where he quickly accumulates a pile of debt to dangerous people. It’s only when he meets a beautiful, mysterious woman named Faye that his luck begins to change.

Faye teaches him the skills of winning at the tables, and together they start a mutually beneficial partnership to con the dealers. But when Mick digs into Faye’s mysterious life, he discovers more than just a troubled past.

Beating the odds at the casinos might not be Mick’s biggest challenge. When you play the game of hearts, all bets are on the table, and the game becomes more dangerous than ever before.

Hard Luck Grift is a direct prequel to New Haven Blues, exploring events that directly tie into the debut novel of the Troubleshooter.

New Haven Blues (#1)
Blade Runner meets Bogart in this blend of science fiction and film noir grit that introduces Mick Trubble: the hard-drinking, chain-smoking, wry-witted private eye of the future.

When you’re short on memory and cash, taking a questionable case is a no-brainer. And with the Russian Mafia breathing down his neck, Mick Trubble needs to settle his debts. So he goes against his gut and accepts a proposition from a mystery dame to recover some stolen goods. After all, Mick’s business is trouble. And in a city like New Haven, when business is trouble, then business is good.

But when Mick uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the entire populace, he’ll have to tackle the case with more than just sarcasm and his seven-shot revolver. It will take unlikely allies and quick thinking to stay one step ahead of catching a case of the New Haven Blues.

Little White Bird (#1.5)
Mick reluctantly takes on a missing child case, which takes a bewildering turn as he encounters a street gang of Lost Boys and their charismatic leader known only as Pan. Enter a probation officer named Hooke, a high flying caper between two airships, and an elixir for eternal youth, and you get just another day on the job for a man whose job description is shooting trouble. But when past and future collide, sparks are sure to fly. Mick Trubble quickly learns that death might be a great adventure, but living through this caper will hurt like hell.

The Most Dangerous Dame (#2)
Mick has little time to digest the revelations of the New Haven Blues Case. After a chance meeting with an old flame, he is sucker-punched by being framed for her murder. In no time his mission to clear his name gets him tangled with the Mafia on one side and the police on the other. Even worse is the growing realization that the mysterious killer is someone that Mick has ties with, a vengeful ghost with an agenda that includes making Mick the most miserable man in the world. Caught up in a deadly game of cat and mouse, Mick is forced to change the rules in order to come out ahead. His desperation will bring him ever closer to truths about his past that he never wanted to unearth, and face to face with someone he never expected to see again. With time running out, his chances for survival grow ever slimmer. One way or another, everything will come down to a deadly encounter with the most dangerous dame.

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