Download The Trillion-Tenant Apartment by Patrick J. O’Connor (.ePUB)

The Trillion-Tenant Apartment by Patrick J. O’Connor (Guardians Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 300 kb
Overview: When the new Medical Officer finds his spaceship dissolving around him, it dawns on him that he is making this happen—but how?

At first, they lock him in a padded room in the Psych Ward. When it starts dissolving too, they begin to think–maybe he knows what he’s talking about?

Lives have been lost. Tracking down the Bad Guys is not the end. In fact, it’s only the start of the Earth’s problems. Successful detective work sets off a catastrophe.

Can the Earth’s medical community get ahead of the problem before there is no-one left to treat? The human race is now multi-planetary. That’s insurance against exactly this kind of thing, isn’t it? But this thing spreads like a virus, even though that’s not what it is.

Maybe the planets that haven’t been ‘infected’ can rescue the Earth, but they have to avoid taking anything nasty back with them—

And, like the detective work, will solving this problem create an even bigger problem for those doing the solving?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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