Download The Traveler 4 by Xander Jade (.MOBI)

The Traveler 4 by Xander Jade
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 486 KB
Overview: Previously, Dom’s adventures has taken him through mountains, saving princesses and others, and escorting them to the palace. During his journeys, he becomes fatally injured and ends up in a healing clinic that a deity visits. The god heals Dom and reveals information about how he ended up in Risona, and that his family was in danger.

With this information, Dom races across the kingdom to save his family, but his mind is filled with anxiety because of the warning Medum gave him. He ended up, with the help of his family and others, defeating the demonesses and allies they brought. After some interrogation, Dom finds out who is responsible. But even knowing that the noble was responsible, he realizes that something big is happening on Risona and even though he doesn’t want to be involved, Dom gets dragged in. He tried his hardest to stay in the shadows but in the end, others now know his secret.

In this journey, Dominic will go through tragedy and loss, but he gains allies and friends when others join his cause. Dom is also bombarded by kingdom and clan politics, not to mention commands from his patron god. A lot to go through by one man not from the world of Risona.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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