Download The Trail Master’s Bride: 2022 Edition by Maddie Taylor (.ePUB)

The Trail Master’s Bride by Maddie Taylor
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 273 KB | 2022 Reissue
Overview: Forced into an arranged marriage, Mina Hobart has no choice except leave her childhood home and follow her new husband on a dangerous journey westward. Each hot, dusty day on the Oregon Trail is pure misery, and it isn’t long before tragedy renders her a young widow. Returning home isn’t an option. She presses on, hoping to carve out a life for herself in the new frontier.

Weston Carr, the resourceful, ruggedly handsome trail master, knows the West is no place for an unaccompanied woman. When Mina’s careless ways and sassy tongue bring strife to the wagon train, he has no choice except to take her in hand. But she proves herself a magnet for trouble and it isn’t long before scandal and gossip force him to make the young widow his bride.

As Mina surrenders to the pleasure of her new husband’s arms, a new threat emerges. A string of mishaps befalls the wagon train, and Mina is the prime suspect. Can she convince the others, including her firm-handed husband, that she can be trusted? And will Weston be able to protect her from whoever seems determined to keep her from reaching the end of the trail?
Genre: Fiction > Romance Western


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