Download The Taxon War by Peter Rhodan (.ePUB)

The Taxon War by Peter Rhodan (New Federation #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 390kb
Overview: 800 years ago, a large science vessel accidentally created a wormhole into a different universe. The survivors traveled to the Earth in this strange universe and discovered it was still hot, humid, and ruled by dinosaurs, as the asteroid that impacted their universe had apparently missed in this one. Unable to find any way home, they developed a planet in the system they had arrived in, where they built a new civilization derived from their old one and called it the New Federation. Over the centuries, they had caught intimations of other civilizations but chose to keep hiding until they were strong enough to stand alone. And then the Troodons cameā€¦. and the Troodons weren’t friendly.

Follow the New Federation as they struggle to survive in a galaxy full of aggressive aliens.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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