Download The Tattered Realm series by Kova Killian (.ePUB)

The Tattered Realm series by Kova Killian (#2-4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.5 MB
Overview: Kova lives in a mystical place in California. When she isn’t daydreaming of fancy temples, shimmering stained glass and gruesome battles, you can find her with her husband and children meandering around Renaissance Faires, camping in wondrous lands, and occasionally meeting a metal band or two.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Tattered Realm (#2)
Cree and Coven thought they were safe living their lives as humans, working at the bar and talking about their little family.

But a single nightmare tears them apart once again.

Cree, taken back inside the Mirror. She has to decide to risk it all and let the Howler take hold or let the King take his revenge.

Coven, lost in his anger and panic, must fight against the monsters coming through the shattering mirror waiting for Cree’s return.

But when the humans attack their home, a world much smaller, they must decide who is more important… The humans who have shown them kindness but are now rabid or their world who has shown them nothing but pain?

Endless Crimson (#3)
Twenty-seven days is how long it should have taken Evin to get home to find her brother and dad after the world turned into an angry ocean of beige sand.

Seven years, strange creatures, rifle training, and a puppy is how long it actually took to find anything familiar.


She can get to Death Valley and can get home that way.

But she finds herself fighting her way through until she meets an unlikely ally.

A war fairy.

An intimidating, weapon smithing healer who makes it his job to help her find her way to her family again.

If only it were that easy.

Remnant (#4)
A rally in the capital on the anniversary of the day Calista and her friends were freed from the strange stone walls hidden by a magic shroud.

This might be her only chance to have a meeting with the senator. Her only chance to stop children from being kidnapped by the ancient Beast.

But the Beast shows her ugly face and the plans she made to speak with the Senator turn sour when she, the woman that freed hundreds of children from the Beast, tries controlling Calista’s childhood friend. A power only Amarok’s possess. A power she knows the Beast’s lover had full control of.

No one will help her now. The only way to rid the world of the Beast is to strike back.

No more running.

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