Download The Supreme Master by Chris Crawford (.ePUB)

The Supreme Master by Chris Crawford
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 249 KB
Overview: Our hero was a college student known for his intelligence and handsome looks. Being ranked as the number 1 student in the most renowned school on earth, there was no doubt that many people were envious of him. The only problem was, he was from a poor family.

When everything went downhill, and their family fell into a huge debt, he had no choice but to look for several ways just to earn a huge sum of money. That’s when an unknown man offered him $600,000 just to join a secret experiment being held by the government.

He died, and was judged by a beautiful goddess. One who promised him incredible powers in the afterlife…

Now with the needed knowledge and skills, let us witness how our hero gets back at his enemies and becomes the most powerful being in the world!
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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