Download The Sun and the Saber by Craig Ellis (.ePUB)

The Sun and the Saber by Craig Ellis (Book #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 674 kB
Overview: North of the River of Mist, in the lands known as ‘The Wastes’, humanoid tribes are gathering, driven by hunger, glory, and the need to cull the aged and the unfit. In the south it is known simply as ‘The Cycle’, a ritualistic invasion that has ravaged the Sun Empire every twenty years for centuries… but this will be a Cycle unlike any other. Darker, more malevolent forces from a long forgotten past have appeared in the north, beings with the power to command not only the marshaling hordes, but the weather itself. It will not be a Cycle of plunder and withdrawal as the previous ones were, but rather one of conquest.

Thrust into this conflict is Captain Markum D’Moraigne, a reluctant young cavalry officer, alongside a band of unlikely heroes: a mentally unstable elven prince; a pair of quarreling dwarves, one a priest, the other an assassin; a druid who drinks to deal with terrifying visions; and a half-elf striving for acceptance in a world that shuns those of mixed race — they are all that stand between annihilation and victory.

Eritania is a continent divided by the political agendas of elves, dwarves, humans, and orcs, along with those of the diminutive, opportunistic River Kin, and gangs of nationless half-orcs looking to carve out their own kingdom. ‘The Sun and the Saber’ is a tale of epic battles, but more importantly, it is a story of people, relationships, and the human side of conflict.
Genre: Dark Fantasy


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