Download The Starlight Gods Series by Yumoyori Wilson (.ePUB)

The Starlight Gods Series by Yumoyori Wilson (1-5)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 7.6 MB, 2.7 MB
Overview: Yumoyori Wilson is from Toronto, Ontario. She loves to sleep and write her days away. She works at night as a registered nurse. She has a little addiction to bubble tea and coffee but loves to workout. She has big plans for the writing world and can’t wait to share them with everyone.
Genre: Paranormal Romance


1. Dark Wish – What do you get when you add free and dumb?
My name is Makoto Heart and I’ve always wished for a chance at freedom. Every day, I prayed before the Starlight gods, asking for their divine assistance in accomplishing such a difficult task.
Being an experiment for as long as I can remember, my hopes of obtaining freedom have diminished, drastically. The disappointment haunted me, as myself and my spirits struggled to survive. I had no hope left, believing my final plea fell upon deaf ears, yet again.
But what happens when my prayers are finally answered? I’m thrust into fulfilling a destiny, with the help of six star knights. Suddenly, I am no longer experiment 555, but the stolen princess of Heila.
Freedom, how you have teased my troubled soul. May the Starlight gods guide me and my knights, on this path towards the unknown.

2. Tainted Rose – I failed…
My name is Ryder Carter, future heir of Realm Five, Minato.
I was destined to do great things, to walk alongside my fellow star knights, as we desperately searched for the woman who would lead our galaxy to salvation.
My spirit and I had failed her once, unable to prevent the chain of events and challenges she’d faced for sixteen cycles. Then, we finally found her – alive.
Within two rotations, she’d blossomed into a beautiful rose – such delicate petals, filled with purity and life. My mission was to guide her home, to where she truly belonged, as our Princess and saviour from the approaching darkness. She was more than just our Princess; I loved her with all my heart.
But…I failed. My once perfect rose, damaged by my failures. Would she ever forgive me, her star knight who’d sworn to protect her? Will I ever get the chance to tell her how much she means to me…to us?
Only the Starlight gods can tell. Please…bring my Firefly home.

3. Starlight Christmas – Christmas.
A time for giving and receiving. A time for celebration. A holiday I’ve only read about in a storybook – page after page of seeing a little girl celebrating the joys of Christmas.
I had envied that girl, reading her tale on the cold, library floor while she was surrounded by so much warmth. So many cycles trapped in the facility by my Owner, my only presents the old, tattered books that surrounded me, my imagination my only salvation.
So many cycles, I’d spent wishing to be like the girl in the fairy tale, wishing I was surrounded by my loved ones, opening presents and enjoying their company.
My wish had finally come true. This cycle would be different. Rescued by my star knights, I vowed to enjoy every minute of this season with them by my side.
This Christmas, I would enjoy being free.

4. RYDER – I am Ryder Carter of Minato – a leader, star knight, and lover.
A leader is one who keeps their head up high, in any situation.
A knight is one who is strong, diligent and ready to lay their life on the line for those they’ve sworn to protect.
A lover is one who’d do anything to see their companion smile.
I am all of those things.
Yet, here I stand – alone in the darkness, questioning if I can fulfill any of those roles.
Some look to me for guidance; others look at me in envy.
Yet, no one knows my internal struggles – the nightmares that plagued me for cycles or the emotions that clawed at my very soul.
Everyone assigns me a role in their mind, without knowing my past, ignoring the present and attempting to predetermine my future.
I’m tired of such assumptions, craving for my tale to be heard.
It’s time to share my story and how one girl changed my world.
TRIGGER WARNING- Anyone who has dealt with self-harm should NOT read this book. You have been warned.

5. Poisonous Dream – Don’t you sometimes wish that everything was just a dream?
My name is Daniel Moore, future heir of Realm Ten, ArchAilennia.
I’ve never felt regret like this before, such turmoil clinging to my very soul. I had vowed once long ago to never endure such pain and torment. Yet, such a vow has already been broken and this time, it’s to someone far more dear.
My princess is everything to me. She’s my light when the shadows attempt to cloud my way, my beacon of hope when doubt aims to cripple me, and now she’s my greatest sorrow because I can’t face her. To look into those hollow, turquoise eyes and realize I’m the cause of such agony breaks my heart.
Could she forgive me for my error of judgment? Would she even glance my way for the pain I’ve made her endure? Only time will tell.
~In Stars We Trust~

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5. Poisonous Dream

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