Download The Soul Program Series by Monica Corwin (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Soul Program Series by Monica Corwin (Books 00.5~1)
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI Reader, 839KB
Overview: Monica Corwin is an outspoken writer who attempts to make romance accessible to everyone no matter their preferences. As a new Northern Ohioian Monica enjoys snow drifts, three seasons of weather, and disliking Michigan. When not writing Monica spends time with her daughter and her ever growing collection of tomes about King Arthur.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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#00.5 – The First Reaper: The world is teetering on the brink of destruction. Dr. Richard Alumnent’s only goal in life is to cure the cancer eating away at the Earth’s population at an alarmingly fast rate –before he succumbs himself. Ruby Bell is a walking weapon and after saving a woman from a brutal beating her attackers are dead. Now locked in prison for that intervention her only way out is to offer up her soul to Richard. Is freedom worth that price? With the help of a creature he can’t possibly imagine Richard does the impossible. He cures cancer and in doing so creates…The First Reaper.

#1 – Heart and Souls: In the late 21st century, scientists created a serum that gave every person nine lives, also known as souls. Flush with expendable life, Earth collapsed into war and anarchy, leaving the Catholic Church to step in and take control. In a world where the stealing of souls is big business, it takes people like Constance Grace, detective in the Soul Theft Division, to hunt the criminals down and strip them of their remaining souls. When social-climbing con man, Noah Hannock, plunks himself on the church’s radar, he becomes Constance’s problem. With a brand new partner, Mikon Cross and seven of her nine given souls remaining, Connie has to enter high society under a too-familiar alias to tempt Noah into her web. While the chemistry between Connie and Mikon is scorching hot, the reality is they don’t trust each other. Each with their own secrets to protect, the hunt for Noah Hannock threatens them both. The only way they can survive is if they learn to lay themselves—heart and souls—on the line for each other.

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