Download The Silence of the Stones by Rebecca Bryn (.ePUB)(.MOBI)+

The Silence of the Stones by Rebecca Bryn
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 1.1MB
Overview: Mystery, murder, suspense, with psychological depths, heartbreaking undertones and romantic overtones. Twists and turns will keep you guessing to the end. Alana is a struggling artist and sculptor, scarred by her parents’ relationship and a lost love but determined to grab life by the throat, whatever the cost. Opportunity beckons when she is left a cottage in a West Wales’ village by an aunt she didn’t know existed, but strange runes painted on her door and carved onto ancient stones in a stone circle, hint at a dark undercurrent of tragedy and intrigue and she is caught up in the village’s conspiracy of silence over a thirty-year-old crime.

An eccentric old woman, a young female investigative journalist, a two-year-old girl, a good-looking male busker and an ex-lover make unlikely bedfellows but combine to send Alana on a voyage of self-discovery that changes her world forever.
Genre: Fiction, Mystery / Thriller


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