Download The Shemale Cam Girl by T.J. Wright (.ePUB)

The Shemale Cam Girl by T.J. Wright
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 102 kb
Overview: Joel was down and out, there was no way around it. His girlfriend, Katie, had moved out of their apartment and left him all alone inside of the two-bedroom apartment. After some coercing, his friends convinced him that a new roommate would do him some good, little did they know what Joel was about to get himself into. It turned out that Ky, the guy he was waiting to show his apartment to, wasn’t a guy at all. In fact, Ky was a drop dead gorgeous amazon of a woman. Needless to say, she moved in and the things that Joel heard coming from her room was too much for his curiosity, leading to the sexual adventure of a lifetime.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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